Legal note
Ownership of the portal
NetK2 (hereinafter, the Owner), is the owner of this web portal (hereinafter, the Portal). Its address is at Av. Castell de Barbera. 15-17 nave 1 (08210) Barbera del Valles. Barcelona. España., and has CIF B66540683.
You can contact the owner of the Portal through the following e-mail: [email protected]
The domain name through which this Portal is accessed is the property of the owner, and therefore its use in connection with content, products and/or services that are not owned by the owner is prohibited, as it may cause confusion between end users or even discredit the owner.
The purpose of this Legal Notice is to establish the General Conditions that regulate access, navigation and use of the aforementioned portal by all users. If the user does not agree with them, he must leave this website immediately.
The fact of accessing this Portal implies full knowledge and acceptance by the user of the terms and conditions of use of the Portal, in the version published at the time the website is accessed.
The Owner of the website reserves the right to modify or update, at any time, these General Conditions and, in general, the elements that make up the design and configuration of the Portal, both in the Catalan version and in other languages, if there were For this reason, the owner recommends that users read these conditions carefully each time they access the Portal.
The Owner also reserves the right to offer certain products or services exclusively to Users registered through the Portal and who expressly accept the particular conditions that apply.
Likewise, the Holder reserves the right to terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without the need for notice, access to the products, services and/or contents of the Portal, as well as the configuration of the Portal itself, services , products, services and contents, without the possibility for the User to claim or demand any compensation which, if necessary, he waives. In particular, the Portal may cease to be operational due to maintenance, repair, update, improvement and/or adaptation to technical, operational and/or legal changes. After this termination, the prohibitions, restrictions and limitations contained in this Legal Notice and/or in any particular conditions that apply will remain in force.
Registration, access and use of the portal
The User who voluntarily registers on the Portal is responsible for treating confidentially and properly guarding his user key and access password, as they are personal and non-transferable, thus preventing access by unauthorized third parties in the Portal. By virtue of the above, it is the user's obligation to immediately notify the owner, in the event that he knows or suspects the use of his password by third parties, or when any event has occurred that makes possible the improper use of your password, in order to proceed with its immediate cancellation.
Intellectual and industrial property
All the contents of the Portal, understood by these as merely enunciative and without the following enumeration being a numerus clausus, the texts, the photographs, the graphics, the images, the icons, the technology, the navigation structure, the software , audiovisual or sound content, graphic design and source codes, indexes, brands, logos, expressions and information and, in general, any other creation protected by national rules and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property (in hereinafter, the contents) are the property of the Holder, or of third parties, from whom the Holder has obtained the corresponding license of use.
All intellectual and industrial property rights on the Contents are reserved. The use, exploitation or unauthorized use of the Contents will give rise to the relevant legal responsibilities.
The use of trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs owned by the Holder or third parties is especially prohibited, without the prior written consent of the holder.
Responsibilities of the owner
The Holder declares that he has taken all the necessary and reasonable measures, within his possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the operation of the Portal and avoid the existence and/or transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.
Also, the owner will put all reasonable means at his disposal to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information and content provided on the Portal.
Exclusion of guarantees
The User knows and expressly accepts that the owner does not grant any guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, on the reliability, usefulness or accuracy of the information published and/or supplied on the Portal in relation to the products and/or services of the holder
In particular, the Owner does not guarantee or take responsibility for:
The lack of availability or accessibility of the Portal or continuity of the contents of the Portal.
The existence of interruptions, errors in accessing the Portal or malfunctioning of the Portal, as well as technical problems or failures that occur during the Internet connection.
The absence of viruses and other harmful computer elements on the Portal or the server that supplies it. The User is responsible, if applicable, for the availability of suitable means for the detection or disinfection of harmful computer programs.
The invulnerability of the Portal and the security measures adopted in it.
The absence of errors in the contents.
The suitability for a particular objective or purpose of the Portal and of the information published and/or supplied in relation to the Owner's products or after-sales services.
The decisions taken based on the information provided on the Portal, nor the damages for the User or for third parties due to actions that have as their sole basis the information obtained on the portal.
Of the damage caused to the computer equipment of users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.
Any other damages that, if applicable, may be caused by faulty operation of the Portal, including, among others, direct, indirect damages, losses or damages resulting from a reduction in profits, business interruption or loss of information, among others.
The comments or opinions expressed by Users and/or third parties on the Portal, if any. The Owner reserves the right to delete any comments that may be offensive, inappropriate or derogatory. We also reserve the right to block and prevent future comments from the authors of such comments.
The Holder may offer links on its Portal, directly or indirectly, to Internet resources or web pages that are outside the Portal. In no case should these links presuppose that there are agreements with those in charge, nor the Owner's recommendation for the procurement of products and/or services offered.
The Holder does not have the power or human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, contents, products or services provided by other web pages to which links can be established from the Portal. Consequently, the Holder does not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the web pages to which a link could be established from the Portal, specifically, by way of example and not exhaustively, regarding their operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its contents, in general. Users who use these links must consult the legal conditions applicable to the destination websites.
In the event that any User, entity or web page wishes to establish some type of link to the Portal, with priority to make this link must obtain an express and written authorization from the Holder and the link must be absolute and complete, in the sense that it is carried out on the main page of the website, covering the entire extension of the main page of the Portal.
In the event that the entity that made the link from its web page to the Holder's Portal also wished to include on its web page the trademark, denomination, trade name, sign, logo, or any other identifying sign of the Holder and / or of the Portal, require the express prior written authorization of the Holder.
In the event that the Holder does not exercise any right or action recognized in this Legal Notice and/or Privacy Policy, this will not constitute a waiver thereof, except acknowledgment and agreement which must be in writing on their part.
Legislation and jurisdiction
The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, as well as any matter related to the services of this Portal, will be the Spanish law to which the parties expressly submit, the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona being competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising from or related to its use.